Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'd like to share something

A site/blog that a member of my forum has. She has asked that it gets passed around to as many people as possible to make people aware of the dangers of smoking.
Her husband passed away after a long struggle with oral cancer.
Please take a look, if you know someone who could benefit from a warning, or even just to pass it on.
It was his wish for her to do this. They kept this blog of his last months. It's eye-opening and heart breaking.

Be careful, the pictures she added are VERY graphic. Don't look further than her warning if you don't have a strong stomach.

Please, pass it on.




SER said...

I think all I can say is wow.........

MinnesotaChick said...

Thanks for looking SER.
This means alot to Julie. She's taking a break from writing anything on this for awhile. I can't blame her. It has to be so draining emotionally.

kkdither said...

Yes, very tough to read and see. My heart goes out to this man's family.

I was with my father when he took his last breath. He died from emphysema. He had smoked for many years. The docs told him to quit smoking or die. He finally quit, but the damage had already been done.

I was a foolish smoker and quit because of what I witnessed. That was 24 years ago. I am way too much of a chicken and a whiner to die like he did.

If you smoke, NOW is the time to quit. You have to do it for yourself. It takes amazing will power, but it is sooooo worth it.

Beejay said...

How tragic.

My heart goes out to this family...What they have endured...