Tuesday, September 30, 2008

God I hate forwarded Emails

I REALLY hate brain dead forwarded Emails. Doesn't ANYONE know how to multiply? Doesn't ANYONE question before they hit SEND? 85 billion divided by 300 million is how much? Christ, a calculator is just a click away if you can't omit the zeros in your head.

What set me off? Getting that stupid Email from a secretary at my old college. Love the gal and I'd never go off on her, but come on, she represents my college!

Let me make it easy for you. Even 700 billion (the present bailout) divided by 200 million (Maybe the number of tax payers) only comes out to $3,500

People wonder why they are swamped with spam. sheesh.


hale-bopp said...

I got that same email last week, Huck, and sent it back to the sender (using reply all so everyone got it) along with a similar diatribe!

I didn't even need a calculator...just counting the number of zeroes on the numbers in my head told me something was VERY wrong with their math!

Huck Finn said...

LOL We are a lot a like. I do the same thing. Maybe that's why I get so few forwards. My sister sent it to me and she is an accountant. As she said though, something didn't seem right, but we are a frugal family and the squanderers just burn her butt.