Saturday, November 1, 2008

Letting It All Hang Out For Democracy

Well, this might actually be able to keep me away from the polls (in more ways than one!) or at least get me to vote absentee. The Caliente Resort near Land 'O Lakes, Florida wants a nude polling place. Pasco county is a hotspot for nudists in Florida...according to the article, there are an estimated 12,000 nudists there.

Any decision has been put off until after 2010, but it looks like nude voting is legal in Florida if the county gives the go ahead.

I don't need to know how excited you are for your candidate or to see whose polls are rising!


OrbsCorbs said...

If nudity were required to vote, I'd cast an absentee ballot and then lie to everyone about how big and long the lines were.

kkdither said...

You do know most of the nudists are those you don't want to see naked, right? I suppose if they do everything else nude, what difference does voting make? Hmmmm!

Must we then also sanction other common interest groups like Stoner voting, Emo voting? Heck, why not nymphomaniac voting??? I could see voting percentages rise with that one!

Beejay said...


OKIE said...

I'm sure if they had nudist voting there would be a lot of people just hanging around.......

drewzepmeister said...

Too much information...

happy hippy chick said...

the geeks and gazers would definitly come out to vote... not in the election but who has the biggest and best!!!!!!!