Monday, January 26, 2009

HAPPY MONDAY!! Time to rise and shine...

OK, I'm up but not moving fast.
I get up too early, too many days,
What do you guys to do jump start your brains in the morning?
I'm running out of ideas, this cold is slowing me down too much :(


Lizardmom said...

my caffeine refuses to kick in :(

Why Not? said...

I feel you.. I often feel bad cause I just cant get going in the morning. I set my daughter in front of the TV watching her favorite morning kids programs for a half an hour while I snooze myself awake on the couch..

I cant handle coffee in the morning (at least here in Sweden it's much stronger than it is in the states) it gives me tummy aches if I drink it too early.

Sometimes I just have to jump in the shower to get going..

I do much better in the summer. The winter months are awful.

OrbsCorbs said...

Coffee, coffee, coffee. Three cups in the morning. Otherwise, I hardly drink it at all, but I do sip on Pepsi during the day. Yeah, the grey and the cold are oppressive. When I told my shrink that I was spending hours online late at night, he said the monitor had become my sun. People use sun lamps to combat seasonal affective disorder and he said studies on teenagers showed that many subconsciously used their monitors to meet their need for light in the winter. So, in a sense, blogging is good for you. Get up in the morning, grab a cup of coffee, turn on your computer, and say, "Good morning, sunshine!"

Unknown said...

Well Liz I don't have to start my day going to work any more but I do get both kids up and give them both ride to different schools. Arguing and begging wakes me up pretty quick! Please brush your teeth, no your not wearing that to school,no I don't know where your back pack is............I'm so upset by the time I dump them off that I can hardly get back to sleep.

OrbsCorbs said...

PS, LM, it helps if you get up a little later than 2:24 AM. ;)

Sometimes, I still haven't gone to bed by then . . .

Lizardmom said...

I start my day with my morning gammut of meds, a can of pepsi and dry cereal, along with my computer, usually gets the brain moving, which in turn gets the body moving, this morning I felt like a limp noodle with a mostly awake mind, weird... I think I should have had another pepsi!

Anonymous said...

Bah Humbug! My knee hurts, and after reading about the half million dollar baby sitting scam, I'm really on the rag!

OKIE said...

I got up and went to work and started watching the ice storm outside. Left work doing that granny walk getting to my car. Good thing I have a Honda with vents on all the windows. After 20 minutes everything was clear and then the fun started. Luckilly I live a little over a mile from work so it wasn't too bad driving. Real fun getting into the uphill driveway and trying not to crack my head open on the icey sidewalk. But I made it.
Am now home for the day and thinking how nice a nap would be.

Frog-lover said...

Orbs, I've tried telling her, but she likes getting out of work by 11...yes I know, she's nuts :P

drewzepmeister said...

I'll drink a pot of coffee and a Pepsi in mornings. After that,it's Pepsi by the gallon. I'm a caffeine addict. Showers also gets me going.

Froglover-I've worked her hours before,it's nice getting out at noon:)

kkdither said...

Half a pot of coffee and a hot shower. When I get to work I close the door for 1/2 an hour so I don't have to talk to anyone. By then, I am almost cheery, damn it! lol

Anonymous said...

Lot's of coffee, my real job is 3am to 2pm so i stay vary busy, toss Racine news in the mix and I am a walking zombie!

OKIE said...

Well, I posted my day on the wrong blog. Sorry about that.
Pepsi is a great jump starter in the morning.