Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Woman gets 5 years for child-care fraud

She bilked state out of $369,000 through scheme at daughter's day care center

"A Milwaukee woman known as the 'day care pimp' was sentenced to five years in prison Monday for bilking the state's taxpayer-funded child-care program out of at least $369,000. Prosecutors called it the second largest theft of public money in county history."


Of course, this was brought to you by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and their ongoing investigation into fraud within the state's $340 million subsidized child-care program. If it were up to the state, this would just continue as business as usual. It's easier to pay the frauds than it is to catch them, especially if they're paid with your money.

Meanwhile, Racine County District Attorney Mike Nieskes sits on his ass while another fraudulent day care operator continues to bilk the state out of thousands of dollars: http://www.jsonline.com/watchdog/watchdogreports/44103702.html.

Party on!


OrbsCorbs said...

My favorite line from the story: "She sat in obvious disbelief as she realized she was headed to prison."

What? You mean I'm actually gonna be punished for stealing? WTF?

Unknown said...

I'm in the wrong line of work.

OKIE said...

Somebody needs to explain to me how one can work 2nd shift at a landscaping job, especially in the middle of winter.

Beejay said...

don't you just love it. How hard people work to cheat the system. Glad she is getting some just reward for her efforts!

kkdither said...

"Sending Bernice to prison today will not deter the rampant day care fraud because unless there is a complete overhaul of the current system, the fraud will continue."

One has to love the brilliant defense mentality... since fraud is so rampant, we shouldn't punish this woman for committing it?

"Is she going to rob a bank or rob someone? No."
Ummm... I'd say she already has robbed each and every one of us.

Yes Abby, I am in the wrong line of work too! Earning your living the legal way is too hard.

Unknown said...

The Legal way might be harder but you can sleep at night.

Sassa said...

I had heard that (for instance) you and your daughter and her child live together, she would not get rent assistance because she is living with parents. She would have to move out (and pay more rent)to get it. It's no wonder some of them have artifical addresses to get assistance.

Beejay said...

Don't even get me started on Housing Authority and Section 8!!!! Don't even!

SER said...

con•science [ kónshənss ] (plural con•sciences)

1. sense of right and wrong: the sense of what is right and wrong that governs somebody's thoughts and actions, urging him or her to do right rather than wrong
Let your conscience be your guide.

2. obedience to conscience: behavior according to what your sense of right and wrong tells you is right

3. shared moral viewpoint: a shared concern for moral issues

4. PSYCHOANALYSISpart of superego: the part of the superego that passes judgment on thought and behavior to the ego for further consideration

This is what these types of people are missing..........