Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hale Bopp, you're slipping!

Newfound Planet

Orbits Backward

Now the planets are becoming irregular too.
This made me laugh, it's a quote from

"Planets orbit stars in the same direction
that the stars rotate.

They all do.
Except one."

There is always one in every bunch,
I thought for sure Hale would have
reported on this one,
I found it terribly funny :)


Lizardmom said...

it still makes me giggle, I just picture all the planets, doing their boring rotations and along come this new guy and thinks 'there has to be more fun than this to be had' and he goes his own direction :)

OrbsCorbs said...

Definitely an Irregular.

SER said...

On we'll have cross-eyed Martians....!!!!