Friday, September 18, 2009

"State still paying troubled day care provider"

Her license was revoked. She owes $103,000. But money is still coming.

"State regulators pumped $25,132 more in taxpayer money this week into the pockets of Latasha Jackson, the day care provider who bought a Jaguar convertible and built a million-dollar mansion in Menomonee Falls - all while officials ignored red flags that she was conning the system for more than a decade.

"The payment was made Tuesday despite the fact that regulators already are scrambling to recoup more than $103,000 they admittedly overpaid her during a recent four-month period."

Our tax dollars at work!


kkdither said...

Thank goodness for the Journal Sentinel. It is easy to place the blame on a computer glitch.

Garnish has TWO meanings.... it isn't only the olive in your martini or the parsley on your plate!

OrbsCorbs said...

When will a computer glitch give me a boatload of money?