Monday, September 20, 2010

Open Blog - Monday

Start the work week with a smile.


Lizardmom said...

what a start to a Monday, a great laugh AND clean balls, what more could you ask for??

Anonymous said...

Good morning! Recently I decided to post some things on TJT and I have now found that there are really NO normal ppl there anymore. Seriously, you cannot have a discussion whatsoever. Did every normal person leave? Is this pretty much where they all ended up? What other sites/blogs do you visit?

One more question why do you think everyone has gotten so nuts??

OKIE said...

Thanks for the smile on a Monday morning.

Heather, I noticed them all going nuts (me included) a couple years ago. People just can't agree to disagree anymore. I've read a few things out on the JT site and I can't believe how nasty they've become. I found its just not worth the effort of posting anymore, although there have been times I've been sorely tempted.

Either or, welcome to the JT blogger site. We are very glad to have you.

OrbsCorbs said...

We are not normal - we're irregular.

hale-bopp said...

I haven't looked at the "blogs" (I used quotes since most of the stuff is just copied from other sources with no thought whatsoever on the part of the poster) in a long time. I don't even click on the comments in regular stories. I still visit to read some articles since, for all their faults, there are local stories about Racine that others don't cover there.

If you watched the Daily Show last week, you saw Stewart announce the Rally to Restore Sanity on the Mall on October 30th. "Take it down a notch" was the tag line.

Not to be outdone, Colbert announced the March to Keep Fear Alive on the same day. Just when you think things are too far gone to satirize, Colbert and Stewart find a way.

Anonymous said...

Hale - I know...we actually considered going. But cannot. I love those guys.

kkdither said...

I saw the Rally to Restore Sanity clip on the Daily Show. I love those guys too. You get much better "news" there.

I can't even read The Journal Times website. It is so filled with fodder for extremism, it makes me ill. They drum up bullshit, simply to incite the idiots of this town into ridiculous banter... for the sole purpose to sell, sell, sell; whether it is to make money off of people's clicks to their website on advertising fees or to sell the paper copy.

Orbs is correct... we are irregular, and damn proud of it!

hale-bopp said...

Yeah, if I lived a reasonable distance away, I might go to the Stewart/Colbert rally as well. I can't go from this far away...that might be veering into extremism :)

I did improv many years ago in Chicago (early 90's). One of the people I worked with at the ImprovOlypmic is now a writer for the Colbert Report. Just one little piece of celebrity connection from my past.

Anonymous said...

Yea, I need to stay away. I cannot post a single comment without being personally attacked and baited. Now apparently I am weird and perverted. And I know there is no point in trying to defend myself. These people are flippin' wackos.

drewzepmeister said...

Heather, feel free to post anything you like! Around here, you not going to get any personal attacks or anything of that sort. We, the JTI, have a mutual understanding to agree to disagree. That's one of the many things I LOVE about being an Irregular!

Beejay said...

Drew, I disagree, but I still love you! LOL...yeah, Heather, you are able to state your point of view here without being sent to the chamber of horrors...we may not agree with you, but we will not condemn you either for having an opposing opinion.....

OrbsCorbs said...

We agree to disagree says it best. The entire political spectrum is represented here, including the lunatic fringe. We probably also cover most of the religious/non-religious area too, now that I think of it. Out of respect for each other, we don't let it get nasty. Each "author" is responsible for his/her blogs.

Posting at the Journal Times (and many other places) can be like yelling in a large room filled with other people yelling. Sometimes I feel like yelling, sometimes I don't.

Go, Orbliterators, go!

SER said...

Heather, it is my duty to give the Boppster a rash of shit as often as I can! Additionally, mess with KK, Beejay and Stu

As for Orbs...I’m just as irregular as he is!

Soooo, Lets all impeach that fuck head Mayor Dickert!!!!

I can talk like that because this is America...BUT, don't look up little girls skirts...ain't that right asshole!

OrbsCorbs said...

Oh, I forgot to mention that I love the video of the child and the dog. The dog's gentleness and affection, and the child's sheer delight are adorable.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I can handle anything to do with dogs today. My dog is sick and has been crapping the squirts all over the house.
Welcome Heather.

Why Not? said...

Oh my that video made me crack up.. made me want to go wake up my children and make them do something funny.. but that might be a little cruel..