Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

Enjoy your day.


SER said...

Welcome to Wednesday.....

Sassa said...

And A very good Mornin' to you-all.

lizardmom said...

working on the 'good' part, if it weren't for the blizzard of cottonwood, I could be convinced.
I dreamt that it snowed a foot.
My daughter helped me figure out it must have been the cottonwood that covers the grass on the corner of 16th st and Oakdale ave that must have gotten that in my head...

It IS good tho, I have the day off to celebrate my daughters birthday, as we both sit here suffering from allergies, do we know how to have fun or what?? LOL!

kkdither said...

Happy mid week. Just checking in. So many blogs to read today. It's nice. We've been busy! :)

Anonymous said...

Geeze, It just seems like yesterday it was only Tuesday!

hale-bopp said...

Pushing 110 here for the next week or so. Summer is underway.

Tender Heart Bear said...

Lizardmom don't feel bad. Saturday my allergies kicked in and I had a real bad sinus headache. Now it turned into asthmatic bronchitis. I went to the doctor yesterday and that is what I was told.

OrbsCorbs said...

Sorry you guys are suffering from allergies. It could be worse - it could be real snow. I have a friend with asthma and she has all sorts of problems.

I received an automated call to remind me of a doctor's appointment. The call told me what time the appointment is for, then instructed me to arrive 15 minutes early. (In other words, our time is more important than your time.) Why don't they just make the appointment for 15 minutes earlier in the first place?

SER said...

Orbs, then you sit there for 45 minutes and they tell you they are professionals. Professionals I know are on time....damn that grinds my ass waiting...

OrbsCorbs said...

My regular doctor has the most fantastic track record for seeing patients on time. I have no idea of how he does it. He's in family practice and there must be emergencies all of the time. I remember once he was 20 minutes late and he apologized profusely - it was because of an emergency. It's just phenomenal.

It's phenomenal, because I've also experienced what SER has at other medical appointments. After my mom broke her hip, she would wait up to 2-1/2 hours to see her orthopedic doctor for an "appointment." She always gave him hell for it, too. Ha!