Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Ways the World will End from Dana Peters on Vimeo.


OrbsCorbs said...

What are the odds of a parallel, opposite universe to ours (an anti-verse) slipping through a rip in the space time dimensional continuum, thereby coming into contact with our universe and causing the immediate and complete destruction of both?

Humans could be extinct before the world ends. For the world's sake, I almost hope so.

Huck Finn said...

HB missed the most obvious. By our own hand. This is the main reason i want to keep devout Christians out of the presidency.

kkdither said...

Catchy little tune. I hope it happens fast if it is going to happen in my lifetime.

hale-bopp said...

Actually, Huck, we don't have the power to end the world. We can set off every nuke we have, destroy almost all life on the planet and Earth will keep spinning around the Sun just fine :)

Still, point well taken. I have a religious test in who I vote for: they can't be rapture nuts who want to make it happen while they are in office.

OrbsCorbs said...

I wonder if we (all the nations) set off every nuclear device we have, would humans survive somewhere? Would they last, or die out from radiation/nuclear winter/whatever?