Saturday, October 1, 2011

"29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!"

From YouTube: "I was born deaf and 8 weeks ago I received a hearing implant. This is the video of them turning it on and me hearing myself for the first time :) Edit: For those of you who have asked the implant I received was Esteem offered by Envoy Medical."

It's something to see the flood of emotions overtake her.

(Huck, I hope that you don't feel excluded by this.)


SER said...

She has some pretty cool tattoos on her right arm...

OrbsCorbs said...

Yeah. I'm getting more and more used to tats. Store clerks everywhere have them. Usually not that extensive, though.

I wonder why her diction and inflection are so good if she was born deaf?

kkdither said...

Brought a tear to my eye. Yes, I wondered how she was able to speak so well.

OKIE said...

I have to admit I thought she talked very well. How wonderful for her.