Sunday, November 20, 2011

Slums of Racine

I got the link from comments in the Journal Times online by "enicar333."


kkdither said...

I made it through 10 pages of pictures. Horrifying... literally horrifying!

And yet the wigs sit in meetings, talking of assessing for sidewalk repair, discussing poor color choice of buildings in downtown. How many years has that Kohl's building on Durand been empty? Why do we allow these buildings that serve no purpose to stand empty?

A friend of mine stated that he was harassed and threatened with fines because there were weeds in the back of his house by the alley. Others have been fined for not removing snow when they missed the deadline by hours. We have money for updated meters down by the library that won't give you change and will only chase away patrons. We have money to send our top dogs to conventions (and fact finding missions) in other cities at tax payer cost. Really?

Why Not? said...


Toad said...

I looked at the entire show. It truly Is sad, and at first, I felt It was being picky. After thinking about It, I know parts of every neighborhood In the City have deteriorated. It really all boils down to the "City Fathers" choosing NOT to invest In the entire city, and ONLY SPECIAL areas. We have the same problem here, but this area Is so much more economically depressed, the comparison should not be made. It really does make me sad to see this. Imagine what the DEAD manufacturing, and just plain industrial and business leaders that created your once proud city are thinking about this, as they roll In their graves.

OrbsCorbs said...

I recognize so many of the places, yet I never see them all at once like this. Yes, it is depressing. And yes, many other cities are in the same or worse condition.

Expect zero help from City Hall. Indeed, as costs rise dramatically due to Dickert's mismanagement and legal problems, expect them to demand more money and/or cuts to services. They are well insulated from the realities that we deal with daily.

OKIE said...

In the summertime I would wake up listening to the sawing going on at Big Buck. Only it was Veenstras at the time. All I had to do was look out my bedroom window and there they were. Sad, so very sad.

SER said...

I shouldn't be the one behind bars, but there is a long list of who should.

Just think of all the income lost to Racine with so many business moving out and all the homes no one is paying property tax on.

KK talked about sidewalks and alleys, they want the tax payers to fix their sidewalks but yet the city doesn't want to fix the streets because not enough money in the budget but where do they think the money is coming from for the people to fix their sidewalks?