Thursday, July 26, 2012

Open Blog - Thursday

Every woman should have one of those.


SER said...


Why Not? said...

good morning!! I've been a little extra peppy these last few days.. we've had about 3 days of sun and warmth without rain!!! Have only small showers since Mina blew the rain clouds your way.. Did you ever get them?? I know we were having a hard time aiming just right.. Today we have a high of 77 degrees!! It's a heatwave dont know how the Swedes are going to deal with it. The summer thus far has had highs of about 70..

I am working on cake decorations for my SILs wedding cake (she's getting married on Aug. 4th, the incredibly talented SIL that I have posted a few videos of singing in the past) but I will have to make sure I get out in the sun as much as possible.. I know we will be taking the girls down to the lake for the first time this summer..

lizardmom said...

yes please :)

OKIE said...

Shh, I don't want to spread rumors but we have a chance for rain today.

kkdither said...

There *has* been some rain since Mina worked her magic. Thanks. Unfortunately, they have declared most of the state as a federal disaster; our crops are ruined. Prices on everything will go up... you know the drill. The farmers and the little guys will feel the pinch the most.

Toad said...

It's raining as I write. ONE little storm of the Radar, and WE got It. YEA.

Toad said...

KK, Don't worry about the Farmers too much. They have more Government programs than Carter has "Little Liver Pills"

kkdither said...

Not too worried about the big guy farmers. They will be fine. Lots of those Govt. programs you mentioned have been made public and have rightly been revoked. The mom and pop farmers that are left have much less available, mostly only low interest loans, not a give away. We will hear the same song and dance, though. Higher meat, vegie, dairy, petrol and everything else that is shipped.

OrbsCorbs said...

I used to wonder what it was like living in a desert. Now the desert has come to us.

Toad said...

KK, Several of them here are multi millionaires. They grow CROPS. The poor farmer that raises meat, and the dairy farmer are hurt the most.