Friday, February 22, 2013

Open Blog - Friday



OrbsCorbs said...

Thank God it's any day that I'm upright.

SER said...

Orbs, is that like the guy who put a mirror on the end of his bed, he wakes up, looks at the guy in the mirror and says if your stupid enough to get up so am I...?

lizardmom said...

I'm up, and it looks whiter outside than when I went to bed... here's to hoping we get less than predicted!
BLB, be safe traveling today!! You need to come back home in one piece as I am terrible at puzzles :)

TSE said...

The Hustle

Do it Racine !

The Racine City Hall Hustle

Racine Exposed

Sassa said...

I get so mad when the weather channel says Major storm coming..and we get this. This is a little 'brush-off' snow. Major storm is 4 - 5 ft drifts. Blizzard is when you have no place to put shoveled snow anymore. This would not prevent me from brushing off and driving across town to get some mascara I may use tomorrow...or go to Illinois for smokes. LOL

OKIE said...

It's FRIDAY!!! And a cold one to boot.

SASSA - I LOVE your picture.

Have a good Friday everyone.

Tender Heart Bear said...

The snow is not done yet Sassa. We are getting more this afternoon.

I hope everyone is very careful on the roads because this morning they said possible freezing rain can come still.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Sassa said...

Drove to Illinois...smooth sailing! I still say this was just some snow. I do see it's snowing now, real pretty. But I have to 'volunteer' tonight. 3 to 7, got my crosswords, newspaper and food so I don't starve to death..LOL Oh and a copy of 5 shades to reminiss (must look that word up...reminisce.) Wouldn't want anyone to think I'm doing something weird..again LOL

Sassa said...

BTW it's The Mad Bluebird. A trademarked picture. I'm using it with permission...ha ha.

BL Basketcase said...

Thanks Lizzardmom!!
How kind you are!
Working very long hours!
Hope you are well and the rest of the JTIs are as well!!