Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Sun Pillar From Tucson

Tonight after sunset we were treated to a Sun Pillar in Tucson. Sun pillars are caused by light reflecting off of ice crystals high in the atmosphere. I was out photographing sunset (weak green flash tonight) and was starting to put my camera away. I turned around to look west again and that's when I saw the pillar. Glad I wasn't in too big of a hurry to get out of there! 

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


OrbsCorbs said...

Wow! Extremely cool. Fantastic pictures.

It must have been sun pillars that descended on so many people in the bible. Jesus and Mary were each sucked up into heaven this way.

kkdither said...

Orbs, as kids, we always thought this phenomenon was related to something religious. Probably got that idea from the pictures. Nice to know what the scientific name and the "raison d'etre."

Hale, we were discussing your photographic talents at the last get together. We really think you have a special marketable talent. Maybe you need to watermark them better before posting to prevent unauthorized use?

BL Basketcase said...

The Resurrection of Christ

legal stranger said...

These pictures brings to mind Chariot of the Gods.

Tender Heart Bear said...

Awesome pictures Hale!

drewzepmeister said...

A light from heaven...

hale-bopp said...

Thanks everyone.

Yes, KK, I am thinking about how to handle that. There is metadata in the photos identifying me as the copyright holder. You don't see the metadata unless you use photoshop or similar software. You may notice I don't post full size images...these would not look that good in an 8x10 print!