Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Open Blog - Wednesday

Keep it in mind, too.


SER said...

I love you man...oh everyone..

lizardmom said...

love you too :)

DodgeBoy said...

You're not getting my Bud Light.

BL Basketcase said...

Sounds like the Sixties to me..... But if remember the sixties you weren't having ANY fun!

OKIE said...

Okay, this is off to an interesting start. My last day of working a lot of hours and I can't wait to get back to normal.

Have a great day everyone.

kkdither said...

Have you watched the weather? Sounds like we are in for some crazy, potentially damaging wind.

Last day of out-of-the house work. Now comes the real work.

Tender Heart Bear said...

kk we are going to get winds anywhere from 60-100 mph. That is what I seen on the news this morning. It will be starting between 3pm and 5pm. I just hope everyone that will be out will get home safe and sound.

BLB- Sorry I can not say I remember the sixties.

OKIE said...

Twice today I read the word Derecho regarding the weather you guys might get. Never heard the word before but after reading what it means, you guys really need to keep your eyes open regarding these winds. If you have anything outside that can come in, bring it in. These are like hurricane winds and that is scary.

Never never underestimate Mother Nature. She can be a bitch.

kkdither said...

They aren't throwing around the word Derecho so much today. Just peeked at the news and the worst is supposed to hit south, by Chicago. A little change in the direction and it could easily get here. ETA is 3-5 pm. It is beautiful out there right now. Just got back from the cemetery. Mom and sis have some pretty flowers now.

I'm free.... no more pencils, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks.

BL Basketcase said...

I wish I can go to the cemetery today, as it is 13 years ago today that my eldest child passed away.

It still feels so painful, but not as bad as before, as time does heal. BUT, it will never cure the
way I feel as to have been cheated
so terribly. I was cheated again 11 months later to have lost my Dad suddenly...geesh...I wasn't even able to move past this and the next one clobbered me broadside.

Today, oddly I found out I am having a new granddaughter.

Tender Heart Bear said...

kk- Great Alice Cooper song I love it!

They did say at noon south east Wisconsin is going to get that bad weather too along with Chicago. I was getting the patio cleaned up so nothing goes blowing around on us.

Congrats BLB on the new Granddaughter!

OrbsCorbs said...

One of my email addresses is my "business" address. I use that email for banking, official correspondence, etc. The other day, that email received some porn spam. I've never had that trouble before. I thought about when I had last used that email address and I realized that it was when I was re-upping in the federal and state do-not-call registries. They sell email addresses to porno purveyors?

OKIE said...

Orbs - I heard not to long ago that people were getting their identities stolen from the website that gives you a free credit report once a year.

kkdither said...

So sorry about your losses, BLB. I can't even imagine. Congrats on the newest grandchild. We share that excitement.

I had an elderly neighbor whom I used to visit. One time she looked at me sadly and said the hardest thing about living to be old is how many people you have to lose. Wise words. Life gives and it takes.

BL Basketcase said...

Thanks kk and THB. Another odd thing is that my granddaughter w
who is 9 was born on my deceased son's birthday....The universe takes and gives in stange ways.