Monday, September 9, 2013

"An Open Letter To The City Of Racine"

From The Journal Times:

Everything that Dickert touches turns into shit.  His only concern is lining the pockets of his lying pals.

Party on, lying John!


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm who's in the granite buisness? County Supervisor and Best Friend of the Mayor Monte Osterman!!! Can you see where this is going?

Anonymous said...

Dishonest John and his Cousin Questionably Competent Tom, along with Complicit Jim Ladwig and Best Bud Robin Vos bring a vile and bitter taste to the mouth of any HONEST taxpayer in Racine County!


OrbsCorbs said...

This whole Osterman business is sickening. He profits over and over from city contracts. She doesn't have to pay taxes like everybody else. She also sits on the Ethics Commission protecting lying John's ass.

Was Dickert a cheater in school? Anyone know? Anyone go to school with him?

Toad said...

Very, Very, troubling.

OrbsCorbs said...

"I know the city wants the cemeteries to be self sustaining. They were self sustaining until past mayors have used cemetery funds to balance their budgets."

Oh no, not in Racine. How can that be?

No-go Dickert follows the lead of former Mayor Gary 'Want some candy?' Becker in robbing Peter to pay Paul. Hell, he goes one better and robs both Peter and Paul to pay off his friends.

SER said...

My god, when is his shit going to end?

SER said...

Maybe I should get ahold of “Gandalf the White” and have him put a stop to the butchery in Racine.

Anonymous said...

Our mayor has done this repeatedly with other community leaders and business owners, giving preference and rigged contracts to his friends. This has all gone way too far, and someone needs to investigate these practices. It already may be too late to save Racine from the impending financial doom he has created. This is just one more victim in a line of many around the community. What a sad state this city is in.

The fact that city council and those responsible for overseeing our government just turn a blind eye to this, and no one is actively investigating any issues except for the bloggers, is the biggest insult to the community. Our representatives apparently don't care about Racine, and they would rather watch it fall apart. So would the newspaper.

I cannot believe the lack of all sense of ethics and responsibility, and the level of corruption that openly and repeatedly happens in Racine.

OrbsCorbs said...

It is through his dominance of the Journal Times and BelleTV that Dickert spins the truth. The vast majority of Racine citizens are not online. Of those that arre, I'd guess that the bloggers are a small percentage. As long as their TV and newspaper tells them that everything is alright, the citizens don't care.

The vast majority don't even vote, let alone care.

kkdither said...

I believe orbs hit the nail on the head^^

OKIE said...

Insane, totally insane.

Anonymous said...

Which Side are you on Tammy – which side are you on?

On which side are you on Wanny – which side are you on?

Which side are you on Jimbo? Which side are you on?

Taking cues from Lying’ John and funding Osterman!

Ain’t one god-damned bit of difference between the Republicrats in Racine and Wisconsin – only a fight for more tax $$$, bigger salaries, more tax-free compensation and early retirement so they can flee to an income tax-free State or get a second taxpayer funded job!

Enjoy the Mind-Rape, WIsconsin

Toad said...

I recently had a conversation with a neighbor of Orb's. Must be a block down or so. Anyhow I proceeded to tell her how horrible I thought the majority of the city looked as I entered, to pick Winnie up. HOLY MACKERAL, did she let me have It. Her being a long time co-worker, and ONE TIME friend, I didn't want to start a huge argument on the phone. I was mainly complaining that the city should be zoned COMMERCIAL entirely, as that Is pretty much all you see when traveling through It. She didn't agree, and thought everything was great. Anyhow I plan on deleting her phone number from my phone. She done PISSED In my "Wheaties"