Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Open Blog - Tuesday

I'll try.


lizardmom said...

good morning world!
sleep makes me happy, and I got a decent amount last night :)

OKIE said...

Good Morning all. In keeping up with KK's have a happy day, I am very happy it's election day. I find it ridiculous that when going out to check on the Decorah eagles that I have to listen to a political ad.
Have a great day.

Tender Heart Bear said...

Good Morning everyone. It is going to be a very long day for me. It starts out taking Drew to work, I am going to be leaving for physical therapy for my knee, then see Drew for lunch and go pick up my daughter and her boyfriend to come over to go swimming and yes pick Drew up from work.I will not see home again until about 3pm. I will be happy just to see Drew for lunch and pick him up to finally come home.

kkdither said...

Trying to claim the 5th, but everyone must be having a lazy day. Just took a couple of pictures. Bedtime Games tonight and a 365 challenge. I'll post that one in a bit. I'm distracted, I swear, when not on a schedule, I'm a bit ADD.

OrbsCorbs said...

Hurray, I got the fifth. Who wants it? I can't use it.

Happy Tuesday.

OrbsCorbs said...

Hooray, my refrigerator still works. This is the noisiest fridge I've ever had.

One day I had a friend over and the fridge kicked in. My friend asked, "Is Charlie OK?" The sound of my compressor sounds like a cat puking.

Anyway, it tried to start abut half an hour ago and then stopped suddenly. I was worried that was the last gasp. I don't even know anyone here well enough to ask them if I can put my stuff in their fridge. I'd also be over every twenty minutes to get a Coke.

Well the fridge started again, so it isn't dead yet.

SER said...

Orbs, I'm afraid one of these days mine will puke out. I don't even know how old it is, i got it second hand.

I do know the next one i get it will have an ice maker in it, that's a must!

to hot to work outside today, or i should say to humid.

BL Basketcase said...

Waiting in line for a roller coaster.... Now that makes me happy !

OKIE said...

We rolled our fridge out to clean the bottom and back. It was disgusting. Tonight I did the front and it was just as bad. June Cleaver I'm not. Oh crap, now I need to change my picture.

drewzepmeister said...

The Decorah Eagles have fledged the nest a couple of days ago. Mommy and Daddy are probably trying to teach them how hunt and fish now.

OKIE said...

Hey Drew out on u stream and maybe here they have updates on the Eagles. Apparently they had some bad storms up there and some a eagles were hurt. I don't think its the new ones though.