Monday, September 22, 2014

Open Blog - Monday

Yup. Happy Monday!


lizardmom said...

I just want it to reverse the affects of gravity on my eye lids! the weekend went way too fast, but was super productive, I think I earned a few days to do nothing after work

Beejay said...

Morning! Packing to go to the mountains. Even taking the Baby Girl.

kkdither said...

Good morning, all. Hoping for a peaceful, productive day at work. I do believe. Lil' Missy will enjoy the great wilderness of the mountains.

OKIE said...

In keeping up with KK's positive post, I am quite positive I hate getting up in the dark.

I am positive in my saying to you, Have a Great Day Irregulars.

BL Basketcase said...

I am stealing your fifth and sharing with all my JTI Friends on Facebook.
Thank you for keeping me on my diet
without the cake. Hugs and kisses to all of you!

OKIE said...

I'd like to think I help out when kids come around selling stuff for their schools.

However, I cannot justify paying $15 for cookies.

BL Basketcase said...

Oh cookies are great, especially when you can't have them. And it is helping the children.....a good thing!

OrbsCorbs said...

Hi, all. Happy Monday.

kkdither said...

I've never liked the fundraiser idea in schools. Kids should not be used as pawns to fund athletic uniforms, entrance to competitions, educational field trips, etc.

It has the potential to put kids in harms way, going door to door. It also puts pressure on relatives and friends to double fund (through taxes and then overpriced fundraiser products) while the pizza guy or gift wrap company makes the majority of profit. To me, the peer pressure aspect of children selling and fundraising is shameful.

BL Basketcase said...

I guess I really do not get that Birthday cake......Turning 60 is a blast.

OKIE said...

Happy Birthday BLB. I'm two weeks older than you, young an.

BL Basketcase said...

Happy Birthay being a bit belated. The thought is there to you!
A new decade! Oh my. I'm already dealing with lions and tigers and bears!

BL Basketcase said...

So KK.... Am I banned from your group since I did not get s cake ?
What is good for some Irregulars is not good for all? Sounds a bit political

OrbsCorbs said...

Happy Birthday, BLB.

KK, you're right about kids and fundraisers. I always felt stupid going door-to-door trying to sell candy bars or some such shit.

BL Basketcase said...

Thank you Orbs

kkdither said...

I refuse to argue with you. Comments in the past were removed due to personal attacks on members and spamming. It was not one person who moderated. Everyone here knows what really happened. You can't change history by repeating untruths. I'm done.

If you were banned (your words) how is it you're still able to post? This is all you, not me.

Tender Heart Bear said...

I agree with the door to door fundraiser's for the kids in a way. I use to take my kids to do their fundraisers when they were younger. I would not let them go by themselves until a certain age. I even did that with my girls when they were in girl scouts. Yes I know this is for different things for the schools but it also shows them responsibility. It is not only for the sports department it is to get different things for the schools they are going to. My parents even helped my kids out and took the fundraisers to their jobs for the kids and the people would order things. My kids had to ask my parents if they would help them out I would not ask for them. This is how I feel about the fundraisers and don't want to start any problems.

Sorry BLB I know this is late Happy Birthday!

BL Basketcase said...

With all due respect, you are arguing.
I deserved a proper cake because I never got banned, as you say, and I did not withdraw.