Saturday, March 7, 2015

Open Blog - Weekend

Chill out.


lizardmom said...

chill out?? we've been overly chilled for too many months, time to warm up!
After seeing my sister yesterday, I highly doubt they'll release her today, she couldn't stay awake. Lots of pain, until the drugs kick in, then not much, but they completely knock her out. We'll see what the doc says today. I'm heading back up after I get human

OKIE said...

Off to run errands. Hubby is fishing and then hitting TLC as we are late in planting potatoes.

Have a good one Irregulars.

kkdither said...

Weekend. I could use a beach right about now. Buds on trees.... sigh. Soon.

OrbsCorbs said...

It's supposed to be in the 40's and 50's all week. I'll take it.

lizardmom said...

They are still keeping her tonight, but are optimistic tomorrow will be a go. I am spending the night up here with her. Gotta wonder who will snore louder, she has a head start, time for me to catch up!

lizardmom said...

yeah!! my sister is home, got to spring her this morning, all is well, just a bit of a long recovery but being home will be good medicine for sure!

OKIE said...

What a wonderful weekend weather wise. In the 70s yesterday and 60s today. Can't ask for anything better.

Garden got planted today so I have to say spring is in the air. I like it.

OrbsCorbs said...

Good news, LM. I believe that you generally recover better at home than in a hospital.