Monday, July 20, 2015

Open Blog - Monday

Is that enough Monday for you?


Beejay said...

Morning.....first? What's with that?

lizardmom said...

I'm off today, and planning on enjoying the day with my sister, getting some time by the lake in for sure!

OKIE said...

Oh, the lake. Wish I was there. More heat and then a little relief tomorrow with rain coming in. If the summer stays likes this, two weeks of heat and then rain, we will be good.

The fisherman is sad as it appears walleye season is over. Back at the ponds yesterday so life is good.

Have a great day Irregulars. Has anyone seen the remote for the tv in here?

kkdither said...

Sorry, Okie, I checked the couch cushions and can't find the remote either. I'm a bit achy today, but full of smiles... too much carpet crawling the past 24 hours.

I know someone who couldn't find her phone for days. She even tried to call it to listen while looking, but still no luck. Went to the fridge to get something, and there it was. She must have set it down while making room as she was putting away groceries.

I'm pretty sure I spend more time looking for things than actually doing anything anymore. The mind is the first to go....