Friday, August 21, 2015

Open Blog - Friday

Have a great day.


lizardmom said...

long day today, but then off the weekend with lots going on. I'm really enjoying the cool down. high heat and I don't mix well. have a great Friday!

Beejay said...

Have a great weekend!

OKIE said...

It's FRIDAY! Got my car back and everything is really good. Have a great day Irregulars.

OrbsCorbs said...

I went to Taco Bell and ordered tacos to go. I'm a regular there. When he gave me the bag, he said,"There's two burritos in there that another customer didn't want because I put sour cream on them." In the past, I've received 8 tacos after ordering my usual 4 because two workers filled my order. Anyway, I headed home. As I was about to open my apartment door, I asked a lady in our hallway if she likes burritos. "love 'em," she said. That took care of that.

Beautiful day out there.

kkdither said...

Good for you for sharing the wealth, orbs. I'm attending a party this weekend. Helping with the cooking for a very large crew. So much for getting my house and kitchen in order before heading back to the workday routine. But... life is good.