Sunday, February 14, 2016

Open Blog - Valentine's Day

Feel the love!


kkdither said...

I love you guys. Through ups, through downs, this has always been a comfort zone, a place to come where the normal is irregular. Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks for always being there.

Tender Heart Bear said...

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. I hope everyone has a great day!

Toad said...

I'm In a rather anxious way today, but, Valentines Day was alway's such a special day In Grade School. Mom would let us get a big package of little Valentines to give to our classmates. I only wish I had kept all of those little cards we traded that day. To ALL of my JTI friends I send one of those Valentines (Imagine It In you're heads) on this day. Sorry guy's, but, the GIRLS ALWAY'S got the prettiest cards. Please be my Valentine.

OrbsCorbs said...

Happy Valentine's Day.

OKIE said...

Happy Valentine's day everyone. It has been a nice day. If I had Valentine's every one of you would get one as you are all very special.

lizardmom said...

I'll be your valentine Toad, love you all! I was sure Valentines day was Monday, hubby thought it was Friday, we're really out of sync this year!