Sunday, November 6, 2016

Four for Fridays (a little late)

1)  What's your favorite odor?

2)  Who's going to win the election: Hillary or Trump?

3)  Do you hate going to the dentist?

4)  When's the last time you went swimming?



OrbsCorbs said...

1) What's your favorite odor?
A cigarette lit in a very cold car. Also, gasoline.

2) Who's going to win the election: Hillary or Trump?
I hope Hilary, although she's a piece of shit. Trump is just a bigger piece of shit.

3) Do you hate going to the dentist?
Not anymore because I have a full set of dentures. Back in the day, it wasn't the worst thing that happened to me. While living in Chicago, I got a female dentist at a neighborhood clinic and I followed her to her own practice. I had a mad crush on her. She was the last dentist to see my teeth before I destroyed them with booze.

4) When's the last time you went swimming?
I don't know. Maybe 15 years ago. Maybe longer.

Thanks for the questions.

Anonymous said...

1. Tied ...... ocean breeze - Field of wild flowers
2. Who cares? Neither i hope
3. of course
4. last night in the tub swimming with mrs rubber ducky mr ducky was very jealous