Friday, June 16, 2017

Four for Fridays!

It had been a really crazy week with the heat, humidity and the rain. Up north had tornado's and a lot of flooding. We will not see no relief from the humidity until next week. I hope everyone is staying somewhere that is nice and cool.

1) What are your plans for Father's Day?

2) Do you have to travel for Father's Day?

3) Do you remember one very special gift you gave to your Dad?

4) Did your family make a special day for your Dad?

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

1) What are your plans for Father's Day?
live and let live

2) Do you have to travel for Father's Day?
Only if I want to go anywhere

3) Do you remember one very special gift you gave to your Dad?
can't say I do

4) Did your family make a special day for your Dad?

racinecountycorruption said...

1. Haven't made any plans as of yet.
2. Only if I am going somewhere
3. No, and I'm not much on memories.
4. Sometimes, but usually more on Mother's day

Have a great weekend irregulars!

OrbsCorbs said...

1) None.
2) No.
3) My grades in college.
4) No - he got drunk like every day.

Thank you, THB, for the questions.