Friday, October 12, 2018


Dear City of Racine Alderpersons,

In regards to making City of Racine - a "City of Choice" -

See RJT: "Making Racine the region's "Community of Choice"

I suggest:

1. Fairly assessing Cory and Rebecca Masons lakefront house at 3907 Lighthouse Drive - from the low ball assessment of $400,000 to $ 800,000 Plus, so that they pay their fair share - see:

2. Firing (generally and regularly)  incompetent and part time City Attorney (Geneva Village Judge) Scott Letteney - see: 

3. Defending Alderperson Sandy Weidner for doing the job she was elected to do - payimg her complete legal bills - and having generally questionably competent Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave demand his removal!

Until then - it is clear that general incompetence and malfeasance is in charge of City of Racine!
Sincerely, Tim & Cindy

1 comment:

racinecountycorruption said...

To the few who fight with Sandy, continue to demand justice and keep up the good fight.