Saturday, January 25, 2020

Out of Control DPW Snowplow Drivers

Dear City of Racine Alderpersons,

This video - captured by Scott Christopher highlights the outta
control City of Racine DPW Employees who are destroying City property.

The street had already been plowed - and as it was garbage collection
day, Residents wheeled their carts down to the plowed streets - only
to find that a subsequent plowing would not only tip over their carts
- but run them over and damage them.

Link here:[0]=68.ARDpoWecS-12cN1w_6z5Koq-KSBLbf3x3d30QFzm6imCtst5MinZt820eRv2NHPcjsRhrk1k7F5bqrWVTOisrGNrCJMTTwchejyU8WHJ7LyeANnzlkJf_YRsaoZZynzJ5kirp4W9BnIQHjcCtSMqLGA7RS3OPoTjpw78yIAGUsvarOvGiR26Kw8oL8Y_mSXOWRrxVuccTuiM5h8npMalEebY6-dmt-ECdHW9gwXkGnGv7qAjNc8RvS4JGBmwN1B6lde84DX-5iOjzjYNow&__tn__=-R

DPW needs to be questioned as to why this behavior is acceptable.


Tim & Cindy

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