Saturday, July 19, 2008

Irregularity Anonymous - and the cry for help

I am Lizardmom.

I am Irregular.

Many of us suffer from irregularity and have come
here to support one another.

I have come to realize that someone that I have found
to be irritating is just suffering from irregularity denial.

This calls for an immediate intervention!!

TJ, it's ok to be irregular. It's ok to come out and admit it.
We're here for you!

I think a roll call may be in order.
We're here to support you, TJ.

We would like to invite anyone suffering from Irregularity
to join us, We're an unconventional support group.

We are Irregularity Anonymous

I am Lizardmom

I am irregular.


  1. I'm OrbsCorbs and "irregular" is a nice way of saying it.

    TJ, we're here for you, man. Or woman. Or any variation thereof.

  2. My mother always said there was no shame in wearing irregular clothes.
    However she neglected to mention that a side effect was becoming irregular.

    I am fungi and I am irregular.

  3. I'm a little different. I am loose as a goose.....but I am irregularly loose as a goose. Does that count?

  4. I've sworn off Metamucil, don't care for Castor oil, forget about ex-lax....

    I choose NOT to be regular. I blog to relieve my symptoms. I am kk, and I am proud to be irregular.

  5. I've tried everywhere for help and you guys are the BEST!

    I am drewzepmeister and I am irregular.

  6. I'm not even nearly normal, which make me be irregular.

    Or is it that my cheese is half off the cracker that makes me irregular?

    But then again, it could be that my driveway doesn’t go all the way to the garage.

    Ah’s just because I ain’t rapped to tight which make me irregular.

    And I’m SER........

  7. Proud to be irregular. Celebrate our differences, and what makes us all welcome in our bastion of free speech.

    I am wacko, Im a right winger, and I am irregular. I am Stu.

  8. I get stranger things than you free with my breakfast cereal :)

    (Bonus points if you can identify the source of the quote!)

  9. Hale:

    Zaphod Beeblebrox, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    See everyone, I can play nice too.
