Wednesday, November 19, 2008

From your events coordinator... Confirmations needed!

Hi guys, time for roll call for Friday nights get-together.
You should have received the info and invite,
if for any reason you didn't,
** please email me ASAP at **

Now is time for corrections, updates, forgotten RSVP's, etc.
This is who I have coming...

Those that I know can't make it -
the hibernating Beejay :)~ ,
Whynot, HaleBopp, also hibernating in warmer climates...
and AA. If you are on the list in either category and need to change it
please let me know. If you haven't responded yet - hint, hint...
I probably have too many lanes reserved but don't want to give any
up unless I'm sure we won't need them.
If you forgot what's going on, again, please email me soon!!

Thanks for you help, hope to see more of you Friday!!

I am going to correct the number of lanes needed down to 4, but will
insist on keeping them those nearest the door,
watch for our sign, anyone from the picnic should recognize it well


  1. goodness.. I wish it was a warmer climate here.. Sweden is not known for it's warm weather.. we're in darkness and cold here. I'll be there in April money willing so hopefully then I can finally meet you all.

  2. If you plan a gathering in April, I 'might' just sneak up for it....if you promise me no snow! And you also have to promise me it will held at a place with heat....none of this in front of some bonfire!

  3. Just a note. We have a lot of readers who do not contribute on a regular basis. If you are one of them and would like to "meet the Fockers," so to speak.... Please email lizardmom and join us.

    You don't have to be a regular, irregular to come out and have a good time. We are not a scary bunch... well, at least some of us aren't.!

  4. Beejay, how about a really, really big bonfire? Maybe we could burn down a building or something.

    The Fockers? The Fockers? What, the Fockers?

    Present and accounted for, Events Coordinator, sir! I mean ma'am, sir, ma'am!

  5. What building??? Is it a really, really big city hall or something?, don't burn that down...let me think....there must be some big building or area in Racine that needs to be destroyed!

    I don't know...I might still be cold....and I no longer have a winter coat, guys. Be gentle with me...

  6. You want a chuckle come and watch me bowl.....

  7. I'm looking very forward to Friday, it will be a very nice distraction of the craziness to come next week getting ready for Thanksgiving :)

  8. If anyone ever wants to roll on the floor, come and watch me bowl...they asked me at the Eagles if I would join their women's bowling league. I told them only if they wanted to eliminate the competition permanently, as well as members of our own team. I once tried to take out an entire men's softball team at Serb Hall. I think I'm banned from the sport.

  9. Is there any chocolate or beer in that building? Perhaps an errant cuckoo clock or two?

  10. Was this a "no kids" event? I can't remember... I've never bowled tho, other than on the Wii;-) I'd love to see everyone again!

  11. Cyndi, I had a question for you but I dont know how to contact you. Can you contact me at


  12. cyndi, I don't see why your kids couldn't join us, they are certainly old enough to handle a few irregulars.... Anyone else have an opinion?

  13. Cyndi,I wasn't sure to bring my son this time,especially if he was going to be the only kid there. If you bring your kids there,let me know and I'll bring my son.

  14. Drew: that's great, my guy is 11 and I think he'd really like hanging out with your son:-) Mme 16 year old sassypants, I'll make her hang with the adults, seeing as how she's grounded until shes at least as old as we are, LOL!
    See you there!

  15. Since this is finally the first one I will try to make, how do I know which ones are you guys? I mean if there is anonymity involved here, should I be looking for people with bags on their heads?

  16. logjam, you'll find us, that's why I asked for the spots we have. Most of us have met already but anybody who ventures close looking lost and irregular we'll know is one of ours :)

  17. We only make orbs wear the paper bag in public....

    Barbara, I could enter your name instead of mine into the scoring. Do you mind rolling a 42 game?

  18. I wear the bag with honor.

    The few. The proud. The insane.

  19. Orbs, I think you just coined our motto.

  20. I will be there in spirit. Orbs, AA is right about the motto. Its perfect.

  21. Barbara, I sent the info to your email address on yoru profile, I hope you got it and can stop out and meet the gang!!

    SER - bring your JTI shirt, I think we have some brain storming to do, we'll have to talk to your friend and see if she can help us out getting shirts made for everybody!

  22. SER, send me a picture of this shirt of yours....I can't commit until I see what I might have to wear.

  23. Guys! I can't make it:-( We'll have to get the boys together some other time, Drew...
