Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How Many Ways Can You Spell "Stupid"?

This from Fox News:

Oregon Woman Loses $400,000 to Nigerian E-Mail Scam


  1. Where are these people living that they haven't heard of this stuff? No sympathy from me....scammers are being hit by scammers.;

  2. Here is the link to the story
    I can't believe people can be so naive... Everyone should have heard about this by now. Much of the time it is greed that propels people to make these insane mistakes.

  3. I read this yesterday. Everyone kept telling her it was a scam yet she kept sending money. You would have thought after the first few thousand she would have figured it out.
    I'm like Beejay, no sympathy here.

  4. Whats ironic for me; I check my email before I go on line, and I just got trashing another Nigerian scam right before I checked the news. The way to spell "stupid" for this woman is "D-U-M-B-S-H-I-T".

  5. What was her husband doing through all of this? What idiots.

  6. You know, I just re-read the article. Why didn't she just try to find the long lost cousin.
    And why the hell did the husband let her continue doing this. If it were my spouse, I'd be running to the bank saying change the account and get her name off of it. Stupid is as stupid does.

  7. She has some sort of mental glitch or something. The story said "she became obsessed with getting paid." I'll say. Mortgage the house, take out a loan on the car, and cash in hubby's retirement? Wow.

  8. Thanks for posting the link KK. I still haven't figured that out yet.

  9. So what are you saying? There isnt someone in Africa that died with my last name, and instead of trying to actually find this persons real relatives they would just give me his inheritance? I'm completely disillusioned I thought for sure I had the luck to have my last name..

    uh oh..

  10. There are people who are locked up in a loony bin more sane then this woman.

  11. Sounds like this lady is a burger patty short of a full burger.
