Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Roll Call!

As I'm reading these blogs last couple of days, I was thinking where is everybody? I'm going rise up and meet Lizardmom's challenge to blog more here. Is anybody else ready? Let's see a show of hands here! Raise your hand and make a comment! Need to know if you guys are still around!


  1. Always been here. Down since day one.

  2. The quiet one is here :)

  3. I'm here, ready to rock and roll!

  4. Pvt OrbsCorbs reporting for duty, sir!

  5. Define "HERE".

    present... i think.

  6. im guilty.. like kk, but tardy with bosses slip.. bastard

  7. Not to worry! I'm here and all is OK.

  8. Yep...and I am in town for a whole week before my next trip for a change.

  9. Cool! I see MOST everybody's still here! Still missing a few in action... So, everybody waiting for? Let's get down and do some serious blogging here! ANY TOPIC! Write till heart's content! I want to hear from you all!

    BTW does anybody like poetry/songs? I've got a few ideas from my blog I'd like to share.

  10. I'm heading for South Carolina this weekend for a few days. I will be dropping our JTI cards along the way (still have some from my last trek). Hope to add some bloggers to our ranks.

  11. Madame Z is ever near.

  12. Well, blogging is not a challenge to me - it's more like an obsessive compulsion that I have to fight to throttle back. I've been dumping the majority of my mania elsewhere, though, and it's been nice to see others post here.

  13. I'm here, just really busy with an extremely active 10 month old.. she doesnt let me come visit too much.
