Monday, April 25, 2011

I just learned to Text Message!


  1. Wow.. crazy freaky accident! I do remember reading about that. Don't know that texting was involved, but I could be wrong.

  2. I think SER's post is meant as a wry joke/comment on texting and driving.

    I know a guy who was involved in a head-on collision with a girl who was texting. She veered over the center line and hit a car he was a passenger in. It screwed up his leg big time.

  3. I both look forward to getting back to Racine so I can drive again, but at the same time I get nervous.. last time I was there.. I was cut off a couple of times by people with cell phones stuck to their heads.. I cannot imagine how anyone texts and drives at the same time.. just crazy.. I hate messing with the radio and will usually only do that when at a red light..

  4. I read that now that it is illegal to text while driving, people are doing it lower, on their lap. This actually makes it much more dangerous, as your eyes are further diverted from the road.

    I don't text, I don't cell phone. I think email is the best. You can read it when you want, think about it, then reply when and IF you want.

  5. I've been cut off by people on cell phones too many times to count. Driving skills and regard for the rules of the road have dropped dramatically in the last couple of decades. When I braked for a squirrel and a woman slammed into the rear of my truck a few years ago, the first thing she said to me was, "You make accident." She had no insurance. It's absolutely insane out there.
