Monday, March 5, 2012



And these people walk around in public.


  1. Yes it is true, they live amongst us. Clueless to the real world. Humans that have no accountability for their own existance. That is as polite as I will be today.

  2. I get my money from Santa Claus.

  3. Some get it from the Bank of John!

    Funded by the Taxpayers.

    $1,100,000 Taxpayer Gift
    $ 160,000 Facade Grant
    $ 634,012 3% Interest
    $1,100,000 RE-invested payback
    $2,994.012 Taxpayer Investment

    Through the miracle of double speak and misuse of terms they can take your money, use it against you, beat you over the head with it, and you walk away smiling thinking they are looking out for your best interest.

    When you learn to understand, you can only get mad. Enjoy your chains.

  4. I use to have a money tree in the backyard... it was stolen.

  5. Funding for the extra patrol work will come from a $110,000 grant that the sheriff’s office received from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Safety for 2012

    This is one that I don’t approve of, grants to see how many people they can arrest. OH, they are always saying they need new and better equipment, why not spend the money on those items?

  6. I should have added this so people know what i was talking about

    Racine County sheriff’s deputies have launched a crackdown on drunken driving and seat belt violations through St. Patrick’s Day and a portion of the following week, as well

  7. I was watching Real Time with Bill Maher and they were talking about the number of people who get disability and social security checks who want the government out of their lives. They don't have a clue.

  8. I find this to be very sad. We are failing miserably as a society. There are far too many uneducated people... and, unfortunately, most of them are willing to share their opinion.

  9. The ones that get me is all the people who are on SSI.

    I know a guy who drive a beautiful SUV, has tow hobby cars and a beater: and we are paying for them and his ways...pisses me right off.

    Then i think, who is the stupid one, him or me and i do believe it is me! He is getting all this money every month and smiling all the way to the bank and i keep feeding the pot!

  10. That woman caller wasn't from Racine was she?

  11. A 24 year old Michigan woman hit the lottery for $1 million. She took a $500,000 lump payment. With it she bought a nice little house, nothing fancy at all. Paid cash.
    When confronted as to why she was still using her welfare card, she replied "I don't have a job and now I have two houses".
    Even though I give her credit for buying a small house, somehow I get the feeling she won't have the money for long.
    Apparently in Michigan you can win the lottery and stay on welfare.
    However, a bill has been introduced to stop this insanity.

  12. First of all, I am NOT certain this was a legitimate caller? I can't believe some of the things she said. Her Welfare check comes from "Obama" give me a break. It's a set-up.

  13. Hey Mary, What do you suppose that woman from Rhode Island will do with all of that Lottery money? She Is (I think) 83, and won like 336 Million. It's funny. Just yesterday, I told the girl checking me out at the grocery store, that the lady (In her 80s) that went to buy Lottery tickets, will probably win. You have to be REALLY old to win.

  14. I was thinking like Toad, there is no way this was real.. but you never know I suppose.. but I wouldn't put it past a radio show to want to up the entertainment value of their show.. hard to say which way it was, but personally have a hard time believe it was legit..
