Monday, April 30, 2012

Franco Corelli sings "Core 'ngrato"

My dad loved tenors. He loved to listen to them. When he went out to the bars, if he got drunk enough, he would start singing himself. This often got him tossed out of the bars. 

I heard a lot of it at home from scratchy old LPs.  I developed a minor taste for it.  Above is one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite tenors, "NHK Tokyo. November 21, 1973."


  1. When he went out to the bars, if he got drunk enough, he would start singing himself.

    Laugh’in...reminds me of my dad. He spoke English, Dago and German. He was a medic during WWII and spent a couple years in France and Germany. When we had a few beers together he would start sings some crazy songs in German, way too funny. My stepmother would get pissed and start yelling at him to stop; well that was like tossing gas on the fire and he would sing louder and louder so the more I would laugh the madder she got!

  2. My dad had a good voice. He would sing songs like the above in a pseudo-Italian gibberish he made up.

    My dad also was good on the harmonica, and that got him thrown out of bars, too. He once stood at a bar drunkenly playing. The guy standing next to him took the harmonica out of my father's mouth and dropped it into his glass of beer. That was a LOL before there were LOLs.
