Friday, June 15, 2012


That is what I get every time I log onto the site now.  I assume that means everybody with Norton protection gets it.  I'll try contacting them, but Symantec is notoriously difficult to work with.


  1. I sent them an email. We'll see.

    Boy, we must really be some bad asses in order to be blocked by Norton.

  2. Well.... we were pretty sure we'd be eventually caught. lololol

    I don't use Norton. I wonder what their bot found here that was suspicious?

  3. Can you get in to green list it? Are settings available to tweak?

  4. It's a conspiracy that the irregulars will not tolerate! I'd offer to help Orbs but I am computer illiterate.

  5. I know the past few days I get an error when coming here. I try again and it works.

  6. I checked all the settings I could find. I thought that at least I should be able to exclude the site on my computer. Nope. Instead, I was instructed to disable "Norton Safe Web" and "Block Malicious Pages." However, even doing that did not stop the warning. I even rebooted and rechecked the settings to be sure.

    Anyway, this time I did not get the warning. Hmm. I'll try again.

  7. I updated Firefox, cleaned out everything, rebooted, and installed Norton updates. Then I logged on here again, no problem.

    I can't believe that the email I sent Symantec Support worked that quickly. All I've received is an auto-reply saying I'll hear from them within 24 hours.

    I'm hoping it was just a temporary glitch. I'm glad I got the screenshot. Maybe I'll frame it.

  8. kk, you're probably right about the bot. Of course they would have them out looking for trouble. I'm glad they appear to follow up quickly with human inspection.

    Another email to Symantec where my reply will be, "Thank you. Already figured it out."

  9. The good companies do work that fast... sometimes. In my former job, we would run into clean, educational websites which would "bounce" the filter. I'd forward the url to the company we bought from to have sites reviewed. Usually, a tech would review within 24 hours, sometimes it would happen within hours.

  10. Norton's email, dated Saturday, June 16, 2012 2:35 AM:

    Thank you for contacting Norton Support.

    I am sorry to know that your website is being blocked by Norton program as 'Fraudulent website'.

    I have checked your website from my end with Norton Safe Web [] and it states that the website is safe. However, we are unsure why the reason it is getting blocked from your end. In this case, I request you to run LiveUpdate until you receive the message 'All updates are installed' and then restart your computer to check the issue.

    If the issue still reoccurs then, we need to configure the Norton DNS settings, please use the below mentioned to do the above.

    Please let us know the outcome. Depending upon that we will let you know on further course of action.

    Thank you for your time and patience.

    Have a nice day.


    Sivakumar S
    Norton Support Representative

    In reply, I thanked him (her?) for his/her time and included a link to this blog.

  11. Cool... maybe Sivakumar S will find their irregular groove? ;>
