Saturday, June 22, 2013

Friday, June 21, 2013

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays! It has been an extremely long week filled with stress and overtime. And it's not over yet.... Anyways some questions for you...

1) Can you roll your tongue?

2) What movie do you want to see this summer?

3) What is the cheapest price can you ever remember paying for gas?

4) What is your favorite TV show growing up?

Enjoy your weekend!

Open Blog - Friday

It's official no matter what the thermometer says.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Open Blog - Thursday

Uh-oh, I hope that Coca-Cola doesn't see this.
(Picture was removed... this one is for Ms. Beejay)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my beautiful blossoms!  How are you?  Well, we’re finally getting some of the weather that most people like.  There’s no accounting for personal preference, though.  I have a brother-in-law that loves heat.  He also does not sweat.  Alexandru is the true Lizard King.  He lives near the equator.  Most of us are happy with a few weeks of moderate temperatures.

This is the time of year when there is so much happening in and around Racine that it boggles the mind.  Don’t be boggled.  Check out local sites and sources instead.  If Racine doesn’t have it, no one does, probably.

Junior will be in summer school to make up for work he didn’t do during the school year.  I know that he is upset, but it’s his own fault.    Do the work during the winter and avoid ruining your summer.  The thing is that I know Junior is capable of much more.  Growing up in our household, however, exposed Junior to things that most people never see.  He’s bored in school.  I’ve been thinking about sending him to a boarding school where he’ll get the attention he deserves and the discipline he needs.  Oh dear.

The local political scene is a mess.  How difficult can it be to “manage” Racine?  I suspect that the hard part is looting the public.  If you can do that with a straight face, you might be what the city wants: more white collar crooks.

The recently carried a story about a local author’s book on astral projection:  “Our Authors: Local author explores the world of astral projection in ‘Untethered’” 

You have to be careful with astral projecting.  You have no idea how many embarrassing situations I’ve projected into.  You get better with time, but I still will occasionally miscalculate and end up where I shouldn’t be.

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog.  I’m always tickled by the attention.  I love you all.

Hoffa’s location:

It looks like 80 degree weather for the weekend, with cool nights.  Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!  Enjoy now to remember in the winter.  Be kind to each other and show respect.  Stenopaic! 

Open Blog - Wednesday

We have water slamming into rocks on our lakefront, too, but we don't have a mountain. :-(

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

Don't get stung while checking out the beauty around you.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Some Wildflowers I Have Taken!

I thought I would share with everyone some of the Wildflowers I have taken so far this year. I just hope everyone enjoys them.

This is a Lilac Bush was taken at the Lighthouse in Racine. The dark purple is what I really liked.

This is a Mayapple flower it was taken at Harringtion Beach when we went there to visit with Drew's parents.

This is a Dame's Rocket it was taken on Cty Rd N in Kenosha. I also found out that this flower also can be found in white and pink.

This is a Eastern Red Columbine at Richard Bong State Recreational Area in Brighton Kenosha.

This is Lily of the Valley at Colonial Park in Racine. I really like this one because the look so delicate.

I do have a lot more pictures but these are the pictures I really like so far. I will be posting more during the week. I hope you enjoy these pictures because I am enjoying taking the pictures to share with you!

Useless Information

Did you know:
Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Thank you, fathers. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it. Your reward is love.