Saturday, February 1, 2014

Useless Informtiona

Did you know:

There are 84 people in the world who’s combined wealth is more than the combined wealth of the rest of the people in the world.


  1. Any single hot women among them?

  2. Any widows with one foot in the grave?

  3. Looks like there are flim flams in the crowd.

  4. one foot in the grave the other on a banana peel.

  5. Yes, I did know that. When they talk about the 1%, or even the top 10%, it is ridiculous to realize that in a country with so much abundance, people are starving and freezing to death. The number of honest people, many of whom are hard working people, are suffering and struggling with meeting the raw basics for themselves and their children is staggering. Then we can talk about medical research....

    It is convenient to say and tuck into our brains that these people made a choice to be lazy. That is not always the case.

    Now, where are all those rich men? BLB and I should be able to sweet talk and swindle a few, don't cha think? ;>

  6. I wonder what that mean percentage wise considering he population of the World? .0000 and on and on and on.

  7. Toa, 7.046 billion (2012)World Population.

    84 is 0.00000119216576781152% of the world population.‎
    United States Census bureau
