Saturday, December 31, 2016

Open Blog - New Year's Eve

Take it easy on the celebrating or you'll feel like crap.  Don't Drink and Drive - get a designated driver.  Enjoy.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Four for Fridays!

Sorry I am posting this kind of late but Drew has a four day weekend and he was on here before me. I am also still recovering from Christmas with all the driving I did last weekend. My days are messed up with Drew having four day weekends.

If you are going out anyplace this weekend please be extra safe and have a designated driver. But also enjoy yourself with family and friends. Here are your questions this week.

1) Do you have any New Year's Eve traditions that you do?

2) Do you spend New Year's Eve with family or friends?

3) What are your plans for New Year's Eve?

4) Do you make any kind of New Year's resolutions?

Have a great weekend!

Open Blog - Friday

I don't think I have the right key.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello to all who have survived the holidays thus far.  There's more mischief coming our way over the New Year's weekend. Get loaded, fall down, puke, repeat. Nothing attracts a woman more than the sight and smell of puke.

Our weather has returned to a facsimile of something livable.  But they say the bottom will drop out early next week.  Eh, that's the way winter gores.  Up, down, and all around.  The wind has been a pain in the butt.  You can open your car door and it may be yanked from your hand by the wind.  I've had to chase my turban a few times.  It's worse out west here.  West of Hwy 31, is like a wind tunnel without the tunnel.

Our wondrous and marvelous Grren Bay Packers face the Detroit Lions on New Year's Day at 7;30 pm in Detroit.  This is the last game before they go ihto the after season.  Will our Packers be there?  Keep your eyes on the ball.

The Irregular Football League has finished.  How I got in 5th place, I'll never know. Mr. OrbsCorbs telephoned me right away with the results.  He ended up in 3rd place:

Bah, who cares about fantasy football, anyway?  I have much better fantasies on my own.

Mr. Mayor Lying John has said he would proceed with all the proposed changes to downtown and elsewhere.  He said he'd do it himself if he had to.  I applaud his determination.  Give him some bricks and mortar so he can start to work right away.  What a messed up mind.

If you don't like what Mr. Mayor is doing, he'll turn into a giant bedbug and drain you of all your blood.  The same goes for anyone else who dares to criticize Mr. Mayor.  Join, or you'll be sucked dry.  It's like Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis.  A monstrous bug.  Ick!

Well, thank you for visiting my blog today.  Newcomers are always welcome.  Join and become a respected member of the JTI Corps.  We need some more bodies here.

Who will win the Super Bowl?  Ask

Enjoy a good weather day when you can.  When you can't, bundle up and stay home.  This is just the first third of the winter.  January and February are usually worse.  Jeez, I can't wait. 

Please donate:
If you don't like PayPal, send me a note at and I'll send you my street address so you can send a check or money order.  Thank you.

Happy Birthday, Lizardmom!

Is that a lizard or dinosaur in the image above?  I google image searched for "lizard birthday cake."

Happy Birthday, Lizardmom.  We all wish you the best birthday ever.

Open Blog - Wednesday

Last time I let my spirit soar, my pants fell down.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Forget About It

From The Shepherd Express:

By Art Kumbalek 9 hours ago

I’m Art Kumbalek and man oh manischewitz what a world, ain’a? So listen, this old year 2016 is practically expired and I’m thinking the less said about it the better. Try as I might, I can’t think of one positive thing to say, what the fock.

But there is this I could say: If you’re fancy-free come the New Year’s Eve so’s to kick 2016 out the door, maybe I’ll see you over by the North Shore American Legion Post 331 up there in Shorewood on Wilson Drive just north of Capitol, 9 p.m. to midnight with the John Schneider Orchestra, Claire Morkin, MRS. FUN and some saxophone player, ring-a-ding-ding. It be a suggested donation of $10, but if you’d rather drop a grand or two at the door, there’d be no complaints.

So I got to go, but to the limit of my optimism, I wish you all a happy focking New Year, and good luck with that what the fock, ’cause I’m Art Kumbalek and I told you so.



Open Blog - Tuesday

Love him while you can. Fate can change everything in an instant.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Sunday, December 25, 2016

$50 Piggly Wiggly Gift Card for $40

My niece and her family gave me a slew of $50 Piggly Wiggly gift cards.  That's great, but I need cash for gasoline and other non-Piggly Wiggly products.  I'm selling one card for $40.  If you're interested, please contact me at or if you know me, get ahold of me.

Merry Christmas.

↫󠀸󠀳Please donate↬

You could donate in the name of that special someone as a Christmas gift.

You could donate to promote real news and real gags.

You could donate because it's the right thing to do.

You could donate just a few dollars.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Please donate:
If you don't like PayPal, send me a note at and I'll send you my address so you can send a check or money order.  Thank you.