Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Fucking New Operating System

I knew that the sign-ins would be the worst.  And they are.  What happened with me is that I got so sick and tired of preparing for the big switch that I finally just said, "Fuckit.  Let's do it," and put the disc in.  I am getting the download speed I was promised.  Everything else is a pain in the ass. I haven't eaten well or slept well for two days.  The diarrhea continues.  My bathroom looks like a shit bomb exploded in it.  And, to be honest, I don't see the advantage of this operating system over XP.


  1. The kids from the school next door make noise all day long. Every hour is someone's recess. The younger ones are the worst, just running around screaming from what I can tell. And there's one little girl with the most ear-piercing scream I've ever encountered. I'm surprised she doesn't break glass.

  2. I got caught by Google with multiple accounts and they said I had to have the same password for all of my accounts. Damn it, too much screwing around with the log-ins.

  3. you must be an account collector
