Saturday, February 23, 2019

Six for Saturdays

1)  What's your favorite carnival ride?

2)  What's your favorite topping for toast?

3)  Who's your favorite: Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp, Joe, or Curly Joe?

4)  Who fixes your car/truck when it needs it?

5)  Shower or bath?

6)  Blue or black ink?

Friday, February 22, 2019

Evers claims drug crimes account for 75 percent or more of state prison population. Not even close.

From JSOnline:

By Eric Litke

While announcing plans to decriminalize marijuana, Gov. Tony Evers claimed 75-85% of prison inmates in Wisconsin were there for drug offenses. Evers is shown here delivering the State of the State in January 2019. Mark Hoffman/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Gov. Tony Evers’ announcement that he would push to decriminalize marijuana in Wisconsin was one of the biggest splashes of his young tenure.
It drew media coverage from across the country and sparked a war of news releases on the homefront.
Evers said Feb. 18, 2019, that his first budget would include proposals to legalize medical marijuana; allow possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use; and expand the ability to expunge certain drug possession convictions.
news release announcing the move touted the medicinal benefits of marijuana, then pivoted to making a social justice case for change.
"Reforming Wisconsin’s marijuana laws to align with the people’s support for medical marijuana is an important part of the governor’s plan," the release said. "But so, too, is addressing the social and racial justice aspect of marijuana use. Wisconsin has the highest incarceration rate in the country for Black men, and drug-related crimes account for as many as 75-85 percent of all inmates in our prisons."
Evers touted the same 75-85 percent statistic in a since-deleted tweet that day making the case for decriminalizing marijuana. It was repeated in the text of the NBC News story on Evers’ announcement.
That’s a really high number.
Given all the possible actions that could land a person in prison, do drug crimes really account for three-quarters or more of all inmates?
Several ways to track drug crimes – but none top 30 percent
The Wisconsin Department of Corrections uses a number of measures to track how inmates landed behind bars. But none of them are anywhere close to Evers’ number.

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Open Blog - Friday

Happy Birthday to the Father of our Country!

Open Blog - Thursday

Think positive.  Weather like this is coming!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Down and doobie: Counting the ways cannabis can complement sex

For years, cannabis and sex seem to suffer compatibility issues. Dudes had long heard marijuana was a bonerkill, and mouths weren’t the only thing women feared would dry up after a toke. But as weed’s decriminalization began to spread among the states, more studies on the plant’s effect on intimacy rolled out—many in the last year alone. Now, a simple Google search tells us that when combined strategically, cannabis can actually enhance sex.

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Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my dear friends!  How are you?  The weatherman says we're going to have some snow this morning.  Let's hope he's wrong.  In case he isn't, SLOW DOWN.  And please clean the snow off of all of you windows and head and tail lights and license plates.  I almost got smacked by a submariner who had only cleaned off what his windshield wipers would do.  What a surprised look on his face when he realized he wasn't alone on the road.  I'm so tired of winter driving, and there's more snow coming this weekend.

Be careful out there.  Winter driving increases your chance of being involved in an accident.  Once a car starts spinning down the road, who knows what it will hit?  I see idiot move after idiot move made out there.  Today I was behind someone who I believe was drunk.  When I tried to pass him, he would veer into my lane.  When I finally got past him, I placed the dreaded Zoltar Curse curse on him. The last I saw in my rear view mirror, his vehicle had burst into flames.

Lucky us, Pawstar is set to occupy the former Imperial Laundry building.  Pawstar makes products for a certain type of fetish.  Let's wish them continued success in their new digs.

There's talk about the 0.01% sales tax surcharge finally ending.  Of course, I'll believe it when I see it.  State Senator Wanggaard has introduced a bill to put a definite date on the end of the tax.  I'll go for that.  Otherwise, some smart ass might figure out a new use for the tax and thus they'll perpetuate it.  Die, tax, die!

Have I told you about  Racine Uncensored?    It's a relatively new anti-establishment site, and its proprietor, Ricky Jarstaad, is running for alderman of the 5rd District.  Good luck, Ricky.

Mr. Mayor Butterball wants everyone who works for the city to make at least a living wage.  The irony is that many taxpayers will end up subsidizing a raise that is higher than their own wages.  It doesn't matter, as long as City Hall looks good. 

The Sandy Weidner witch hunt has already cost us $75K.  Those are attorney fees.  The word must be out that you can charge Racine anything in fees and we'll pay it.  No wonder our taxes approach double those of similar sized cities.  And Mr. Mayor Butterball shows no sign of letting up.  At least with lying John, you had an idea when he was cooking something up; Mayor Butterball plays his cards much closer to his chest. 

Well, that's it, dears.  I'm tired and must be off to bed.  I love you all.

Enjoy the warm up. even if it brings more snow.
Please donate:  If you don't like PayPal, send me a note at and I'll send you my street address so you can send a check or money order.  Thank you.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

CBS’s Lara Logan Calls Media ‘Mostly Liberal’ in Scorched Earth Interview: I’m Committing ‘Professional Suicide’

In a recent interview, CBS News Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan critiqued the international “liberal” media while holding up outlets like Breitbart as the opposite side of the coin.
Logan spoke to retired Navy SEAL Mike Ritland about a variety of topics on Friday for his Mike Drop podcast (h/t Breitbart), and the conversation eventually turned towards her agreement with Ritland that “the media everywhere is mostly liberal, not just the U.S.” As Logan lamented that voter registration among journalists shows that the media is out of balance, she came with a metaphor to explain how she believes the press is tinged by the sameness of opinion.
“Visually, anyone who’s ever been to Israel and been to the Wailing Wall has seen that the women have this tiny little spot in front of the wall to pray, and the rest of the wall is for the men. To me, that’s a great representation of the American media, is that in this tiny little corner where the women pray you’ve got Breitbart and Fox News and a few others, and from there on, you have CBS, ABC, NBC, Huffington Post, Politico, whatever, right? All of them.
And that’s a problem for me, because even if it was reversed, if it was vastly mostly on the right, that would also be a problem for me. My experience has been that the more opinions you have, the more ways that you look at everything in life.”
Logan continued by saying President Donald Trump‘s press coverage is a case in point of how the media produces a “distortion” by boiling things down so that “there’s no grey. It’s all one way.”
“If it doesn’t match real life,” Logan said, “something’s wrong.”

Read more:

Monday, February 18, 2019

The snow storms!

I am so proud of my youngest daughter because with the snow storms we have been getting she has not missed a day of work. She is was very scared to drive in the snow but she would do it to get to work. I will wait up until she gets home in case she has trouble on the road. It may take her two hours to get home but she makes it home and that is all that matters to me.

So to all the people that gets stuck in the snow slow down and you can make it too.

Open Blog - Presidents' Day

No mail today and your bank may be closed.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

"Evers to propose marijuana decriminalization; medical use for cancer, PTSD, chronic pain"

From The Journal
Gov. Tony Evers is shown giving the State of the State address last month. Evers will use his first state budget to propose decriminalizing possession and distribution of small amounts of marijuana, as well as legalizing medical use for certain conditions.
"MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers will propose decriminalizing marijuana in his plan for the next state budget, as part of an overhaul of marijuana laws that would legalize it for medical conditions including cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain.

"The proposal calls for allowing records to be expunged for people with previous convictions relating to marijuana possession in small amounts.

"It also would permit the possession and use of a marijuana derivative used to treat seizures, CBD oil, without a doctor’s certification.

"Information provided exclusively to the Wisconsin State Journal shows the outlines of Evers’ marijuana-related proposal for his budget, all of which will be released Feb. 28."

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