Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Cardinal Blase Cupich responds to Illinois AG's report on clergy child sex abuse

A credible news station states that the Catholic sex-ring is still lying to us, yet thousands of people give millions of dollars to these pedophiles.  And pray with them.  And offer their children as sex toys.  Disgusting!

Demonstrators spar with Chicago officials over where to house migrants

Why don't supporters of sanctuary cities open their homes to illegals?  That's a win-win.

Illinois clergy sex abuse survivor speaks out after AG report: 'I was scared to do anything'

The swine who committed these crimes should be raped with broom handles and then hung alive by their genitals.

I dealt with one of these monsters in high school.  Fortunately, I was street smart and shut him down. 

The Catholic Church should be shut down as a child sex ring.  The lying Cardinal says there is "no one" in the Church today who molests children.  Ha!  These are supposed to be moral leaders, but they are liars and sexual degenerates.  Stop the tax-free, raping "church" of sick Catholicism.    

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Catholic clergy continue to diddle our children

Why is this allowed to happen?  The Catholics have been molesting children for millennia.  How many more before something is done?