Friday, June 6, 2008

Finally, I Can Start Complaining About the Heat and Humidity

Looks like we're gonna get some summer weather. Now I can stop whining about how cold the spring has been and start bitching about the heat and humidity. My truck is 12 years old and the a/c won't hold a charge for the entire summer anymore. I'll probably go without it this year, but my apartment must be air conditioned. You'd think that after years of working outdoors, I'd be acclimatized to mugginess, but no way. I wilt in the heat. I have a friend who loves it when the temp soars into the 90's and everyone is dripping wet. He never sweats. I think that's creepy. I also think he is a Martian.


  1. Give me 70 degrees, is that too much to ask? Hmmm...I never considered it, but I might be a martian. I've never broken a sweat...even tried once in a sauna. I wilt instead, and if I continue to ignore it, everything goes black and I eventually just drop over. Has only happened twice, but it kinda scares those around me, go figure. I won't live without the AC anymore, I'm spoiled.

  2. Hi Orbs and everyone else!
    When I was in Oklahoma, I didn't have an air conditioner in my car, and it stunk. Literally. But honestly, if you have a shaddy place to park during the day, you should be mostly okay.
    Oh, and hope you don't have leather seats!

  3. 80 Degrees

    0 Humidity

    1 Bottle of vodka

    1 Small Lemonade

    1 Beautiful woman

    =’s a prefect day.

    Did I miss anything?

  4. How about a steak or burger on the grill, SER? You can't live on love alone! ;o

  5. Maybe I'll make a run for the border. It's illegal to sell refrigerant (for recharging the truck's a/c) to civilians in Wisconsin, but not in Illinois. I could drive to the Auto Zone in Waukegan with my windows rolled down, and make the return trip with the windows up.

  6. KK...

    You're right, a person does have to take a break once in awhile and a good medium rare burger would work just fine.

    With a beer though.
