Monday, June 30, 2008

Going away for awhile

Looks like they are going to do some emergency bypass surgury shit here. Not looking forward to it at all. I may be able to post a few more times, but I think food and liquids are getting cut off at midnight. Eh, story of my life. Wouldn't be my life without drama. Can't get into the JT blogs here at All Saints so everyone will just have to learn it here. At least the nurses are pretty on this ward, and Kawwwman would be happy. My night nurse swishes. No need of Gaydar for him. Nice guy though, does his job well. I'll blog my recovery as it happens. Going to miss the fireworks it looks like. Damn but this sucks.


  1. One of my jobs back in the day used to be to shave the chests of the guys going in for bypass surgery:-(
    Even tho I know you're a dedicated athiest, I'll send prayers and maple syrup mojo your way (I have at least a gallon left, so once your npo order is lifted I can get some over to you-- does a body good!)
    I'll actually be in Racine Wed if you're available for a visit:-)

  2. Will miss your Huck, and look forward to blogs of a successful surgery and recovery.

  3. I'm very sorry to hear this, HF. I hope your surgery is successful and you recover quickly.

  4. Good luck,Huck,on your surgery and your recovery. Hope to see you blogging again soon.

  5. Huck, my very best wishes for a successful outcome. Hope our good mojo helps you to find strength to recover quickly. Looking forward to seeing you back on the blogs very soon.

  6. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Huck. Hang in there.

  7. Huck, I hope all goes well for you and that all the pretty nurses come by to take great care of you :)
    We'll miss you, hopefully you'll be back soon - new and improved and feeling better :)

  8. Good Luck... Don't forget to ask for the extended warranty.

  9. Got the word. It happens
    Wednesday. I just had a
    C-T scan with contrast. YUCK! I don't care if it is an I
    V contrast, mit makes a NASTY taste in yyour miuth. Needed the
    C-T scan because I had radiation for a nasty cancer in 95. Did I ever mention I'm a cancer survivor? Oh yeah, big man on campous with that one

  10. Damn, Huck.

    Sounds like you've had your share, and then some. They'll probably be prodding and poking you all day tomorrow.

    Huck, are you using the hospital's free WIFI to access the net? I figured they filtered out the Journal Times' site (and others) to prevent employees reading/posting on company time. Then I found this: It says: "Additionally, there are no anti-virus or content management controls, thus there is the potential for device infection." So I dunno why you can' t access the Journal Times online.

  11. They found reading the JT increased blood pressure and was hazardous to their patients' health?

  12. What I keep getting is a screen that says won't load. I've tried to take the weatherbug off the address, but the warniing just keeps coming back. Think it could be the anti virus from Trend Micro o9n my laptop. I'll play with thesettings and see if I can get it to come up.

  13. Mr. Finn, I have consulted my sources and they all predict a complete success in your medical procedures.

  14. Huck, make sure they put in some rust inhibiter!!! Best wishes and see you soon.

  15. Best of luck to you Huck!!

    I've been out of town, so didn't see this until now. Just back for a day then gone again.
    I do send good vibes your way!
