Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Holy Crap... we made google!

I was doing a search on google for Dr Pulliam in racine and got this:

JT IRREGULARS: Pulliam to RUSD: Hell No, Im not coming!"The Board of Education was informed today that Dr. Barbara Pulliam has withdrawn her application for the Superintendent of the Racine Unified School ...
jtirregulars.blogspot.com/2008/06/pulliam-to-rusd-hell-no-im-not-coming.html - 4 hours ago - Similar pages - Note this


  1. Yippee Yay!! This site is wonderful!!! Good job everyone!!

  2. I wonder if we also show up when searching for constipation relief products?

  3. we're nearly famous now if we can be googled :)~

  4. Reminds me of Steve Martin as Navin R. Johnson in The Jerk: "The new phone books are here! The new phone books are here! Now I am somebody!"

  5. Actually, I was looking for more info on the missing RUSD Super.

  6. Oops...sorry for that fragment post.

    I was just razzin' you a little bit, Stu. I have done the same thing myself...start doing some research and the first thing that pops up in google is something I wrote. Flattering, but not very useful!
