Saturday, June 14, 2008

JT blogs

Can they get it anymore wrong? The latest gimmick of no general view and segregated neighborhoods shows it is now just a pablum for the JT reporters and writers. Now you have to hit links to see anything and no longer an easy stroll to see who is saying what. Maybe they just like pounding nails in their coffin. Whoever thought of this latest is an idiot.

Sorry JT, you're going to find out real quick that your hits fall like a waterfall and the ad revinue you were hoping for due to those hits if it ever amounted to much will also be falling. Not only that, but the news hits you think you're getting aren't correct. Your idiot IT has a setting screwed up so that when a viewer hits their back button they actually refresh the screen and it refreshes the screen of the same news item and maybe showing up as a fresh hit. A person has to do the drop down history and then bypass the JT news to get out of it. I can even imagine folks would just stop using your service at all because of this problem.


  1. Hahahaha...huh? Huck, tried to follow what you were saying. Sounds like you found a crazy way to maneuver around their "improvements," but will anyone else bother???

    Maybe that should be the jtirregulars slogan, no censorship -and no detours necessary!

  2. You sound like a fucking crybaby. Go suck mama's teet for some milk.

  3. LMAO That's the great thing about the JTI. We even let the JT staff post here.
