Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Lets have a discussion....

AP is reporting that Obama outlasted the Hillary political machine, which leaves the question.... who's his running mate? Hillary (If I was not still with Bill I would have won this already) Clinton? John (Great Hair) Edwards? Russ (Wisconsin looks like my hand) Feingold? Who would you like to see with Barry. Sorry I mean Barack.


  1. I think Edwards is the smartest choice (and scariest) for us Republicans. I think Hillary would be a mistake as she has lost alot of credibility recently and Feingold isn't known enough outside of Wisconsin yet to make an impact. My question to you RW, who does McCain choose?

  2. If it was up to me it would be FDT, but I dont think that will happen. If Johnny Mc is smart he would pick someone way right of himself. Maybe Jindal from La. , or Rob Portman or JC Watts. .

  3. Also, this is a very important pick, because McCain, I fear will not live out his term.

  4. Normally, I would say that Hillary would be the "corect" choice to Obama to take as his running mate. However; I think there is too much bad blood between the two of them for that to be an effective ticket. I ill have to agree with kc and say Edwards.

    I am still on the fence regarding McCain's running mate. If he chooses someone substantially younger, he will look even older. I do like Fred Thompson and that Duncan Hunter guy.

  5. I do not believe obama would want Hillary in the White House. I think he may choose Richardson from New Mexico.

    As far as McCain's choice, I believe choosing Condeleeza Rice would turn the entire political scene upside down.

  6. RICE????!!!!! Oh man, shades of Bush in a dress! You want to see a polarizing figure get the libs going? I admit, it would make a VERY interesting race.

    I also think Clinton would be a mistake, but an annalsist friend says it would be ideal to pull the party together. I don't know about that. She may have stuck it out for the very reason of forcing the nod for a second place possition, but it was that very bull headedness that turned me off to the idea.

    Its one thing to bloody the opposition, but she saw her own side as the opposition. If she had backed off, then the "group think" would have been the Left's version of Right closed mindedness and it is "the other side making the noise so it shouldn't be heard." Instead she caused a lot of needless mudslinging that the Left will have to see (which is actually a good thing) because it was their own side slinging it.

    Ah me, oh my, another circus.

  7. Just a thought, but considering some of the "untimely demises" from the previous Clinton run, if he did pick Hillary to be his running mate, it then would behoove him to perhaps triple his secret service contingent.
    But seriously folks.....
    There is no one Obama could pick that could swooze the blue color dixiecrats to go to his side, including Hilary. I think Mac has the bigger problem of deciding whether to make amends with the hard core conservatives or focus on the larger group middle of the road undecided.

  8. I've always thought Rice would be a smart choice. It certainly would calm the conservative wing, and, being a black female, the left would have a hard time throwing anything at her without the risk of alienating either group.

    She would also pull a significant number of black and female votes away from Obama.

    Anyone know what state she is from? If she is from California, Ohio,or any other electorial vote rich state, that would add yet another plus.

  9. Well, I would hate to lose her,but Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano has won two terms in a traditionally red state and was named one of the best governors by Time magazine. She might blunt the disappointment of some who wanted a woman on top of the ticket. Richardson is also a potentially good choice and has the added bonus of being a former Congressman and Cabinet member so he has experience in the White House.

    Just a different thought on Rice as McCain's running mate...from what I can tell, she has never run for office, has she? Kind of a big race for her first one. That would be taking chance.
