Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Public, private, what?

I came in through the registration so don't know if this is all public or private. Oh and gosh, how will others filter through? Will it be easy or hard for the misfits to gain entrance? Misfits as in the Garys of the world. Will they be censored? Banned, tolerated and shouted down? Maybe even voted off the island in a blogger form of survivor? Maybe if it gets bad we could even have Brandon moderate for us.... Now that I can say Fuck, it isn't necessary.


  1. Welcome Huck! Your presence will liven this place up even more!

  2. If you can get Mr. Babbington to post here, I'll pay him $5 a week.

    The way I found this place was by tracking down Preachrblog: Reading his stuff in the newspaper's blogs every week was kinda like going to church for me.

  3. You guys are getting kind of childish.

  4. Welcome Huck, you fuck.

    There, now I'm childish too!

  5. Jujube Toothache poster? Not "our" Lulu! hahaha. Goes with the territory...

  6. What the fuck is going on here?
