Thursday, June 12, 2008

When is this going to stop?

I am so sick of criminal illegal aliens wrecking havoc in our communities. This idiot was deported in February, but found his way back in. Congress should do two things immediately. Pass a law that negates citizenship for any children born to illegal aliens. Pass a law that calls for 20 years in jail for anyone deported and found back in the country.


  1. $1 billion a week on the "War on Terror," yet our southern border is so porous you could drive a tractor-trailer through it in broad daylight - sideways. When even conservatives argue for allowing people who have invaded our country to stay here, you know something is hinky. Cheap labor, profits, and big business will always mean more than human life.

  2. I hear you orbs. I have less of a problem with people who are here only to work, but the criminal illegal aliens we arrest need to be dealt with harshly.

  3. Build the WALL, and enforce the laws on the books!

    Drill drill Drill, Here and Now!

    And kick GORE-icals Ass!

    That should make the rain go away. If not I'll feel drier anyway.

  4. AA...

    I’m with you. They should put a bounty on them. This reminds me of the asswipe that shot and killed the Kenosha County Sheriff. Now he filled for an appeal, he was turned down, but his attorney is going to file again. He’s an illegal; he should not have any rights!! WTF. They should have let me return him to his cell...down the elevator shaft, non stop...oppps sorry; the car was one floor above!!!

    I know that violence is the tool of the ignorant and something does have to change.
