Monday, July 14, 2008

Bye-Bye Budweiser

So, what difference does this make? Just the loss of another American company? This story says that Anheuser-Busch's ad budget for sports is humungous and will be slashed by a third:

Another victim of the "global economy." What happens when the global market is all gobbled up? Do we switch to a galactic economy?


  1. That’s is soooo wrong.

    I see the video mentioned the new company will control ¼ of the world’s beer production and may possibly raise prices in the future. With today’s economy (personally) I feel that would be a bad move on their part. There are too many other good tasting beers out there for the public to contend with a price increase; and I believe people will change brands.

  2. My brother the malt chemist has been predicting higher beer prices. According to him, the cost of raw materials has risen sharply. He says it is a matter of time before it is reflected in the marketplace.

    Just when you need a beer to unwind and deal with putting $50+ in your gas tank, higher home energy costs, your grocery bill at twice what it was a couple of years ago, the value of your home depreciating, you can no longer afford that beer...

  3. Time to go to D.P. Wigley and pick up your home brewing supplies. Chris and Mark Flynn (two of the nicest people in Racine) there will show you how.
