Thursday, July 10, 2008

Friday's Lost Video

This weeks lost video is a classic from two members of the Talking Heads - Milwaukee's Jerry Harrison and Tina Weymouth better known as "Tom Tom Club". The song is Genius of Love from 1982. Credit the grove to Grandmaster Flash's song "It's Nasty". (Prepare for a Diva in next week video)


  1. I loved the video that went with the song, Stu. That is really a "lost one."

    I got excited when you mentioned the Talking Heads. Here is my favorite song by them. I saw David Byrne at the Riverside in Milwaukee. He was amazing. He could stir up the audience like no one else. He was hilarious skulking around the stage... and you can't forget the big suit.
    Take Me To The River

  2. I'm more the Psycho Killer type.

    Thanks for the memories, Stu.

  3. Words in papers, words in books
    Words on TV, words for crooks
    Words of comfort, words of peace
    Words to make the fighting cease
    Words to tell you what to do
    Words are working hard for you
    Eat your words but don't go hungry
    Words have always nearly hung me

    What are words worth?
    What are words worth? - words

  4. Ahh orbs, that was a fun video. Hey, who is that young guy in your clip? When I saw him, he was actually a very handsome looking, silver haired devil. Have you ever read his blog page? Very interesting guy. I have tons of his music. If you want any cds burned, let me know.

    Tu sais que je parle le Français, J'aime beaucoup Le Psycho Killer. That was what surprised me the most when I saw him, one song was better than the next. Another good one of his, but I couldn't find video or audio is:

    Glasses collect we order some booze
    She looks at me, I stare at her shoes
    Mature situations, maybe a broken heart

    Maybe I ought to pay the bill
    Maybe she thinks I never will
    A million things that cross a woman's mind

    Just be yourself, well that's what they say...I barely know who I was yesterday. I'm gonna be that civilized guy someday.

    Sorry Stu, didn't mean to hijack your blog.
